"This Radical Model of Health Care Empowers Women and Trans People" on KCET Artbound

June 2017

"So often, when studying the nearly 4,000-year history of the diagnosis, 'hysteria,' I have wished I could time travel.  I would suddenly drop unnoticed, camouflaged in proper attire and with cultural and linguistic aptitude, into any one of the untold number of places and times where so-called hysterics were said to exist in profound numbers."


"Hysterics, Witches, and the Wandering Uterus: A Brief History, Or, Why I Teach 'The Yellow Wallpaper'" on Lit Hub

April 2017

"I teach 'The Yellow Wallpaper' because I believe it can save people. That is one reason. There are more. I have taught Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s 1891 story for nearly two decades and this past fall was no different. Then again, this past fall was entirely different."

"Slow" in Photography and the Optical Unconscious, edited by Sharon Sliwinski and Shawn Michelle Smith
(Duke University Press, 2017) 

". . . It's there in the thesaurus.  How did 'slowness' become a synonym for 'laziness,' 'idleness,' and 'sluggishness'?  How did 'slowness' become the antonym of 'activity'?

A sloth is not lazy.  A sloth is just being a sloth."